Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ice Twisters

In October of last year, I shot my first really BIG role. One of six leads in the TV movie Ice Twisters. I was Ashley, one of a duo of college students on a class journalism project. My dream was to be a reporter! My current step in that direction was to ace this project. However, due to some unexpected circumstances, that might not happen. I'm 'by the book', think inside the box, and easily irritated by things I can't control, including my classmate Eric (Kaj-Erik Eriksen) who was about the exact opposite of me. Here are on set:

Hahaha....yes POSERS I know. Also Ashley wouldn't look like that in picture. She'd be anxiously running over how she was going ace her project, and ignoring anything unexpected or unnatural.

We shot out in Maple Ridge, mostly outside and in cold warehouse type buildings so the huge cosys sets always have sure came in handy.


  1. Fun to get a peek into your world. Love it!

  2. I was wondering what brand that shirt is above, the first picture. It looks likes cloud and some short of bug. I love it!
